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Repair Ticket

Whether the result of a flyaway, human error, component failure, or unforeseen circumstances accidents can happen. Drones can typically survive a very light impact; however, any kind of crash should be taken seriously. Depending on the severity of a crash, components can be damaged. This can be severe for external components, such as your gimbal or rotors, which both usually take the biggest hit. At Tracer Drone Technologies our certified technicians can diagnose your drone in our on-site lab. When the unexpected happens, you can send your drone to us where our certified technicians will use our fully equipped lab to diagnose and repair your drone.

  • Request a repair ticket using our online form.
  • You will receive an email with shipping instruction and a UPS prepaid shipping label
  • On receipt of your drone, we will notify you that we received it
  • We will inspect your drone and email an estimate of costs for repair
  • If you approve, we will repair your drone.
  • If you don’t approve, we will charge a diagnostic fee (*S69 or $59 for members) and ship your drone back.
  • You also have to option of accepting a credit for your drone to use in our online store
  • After repair and testing, you will receive an invoice to pay online


Safety in the air is paramount. All drones, especially those that are used daily as part of a fleet in a commercial application, require routine maintenance and inspections due to wear and tear. This will ensure that everything is in working order. Wear and tear will affect the overall performance of your drone. Proper service and care can help to avoid costly or total losses. We recommend that you book your drone in for a service check at least once every 6 months. We also recommend that you inspect your drone before any flight.

  • Commercial drone users should schedule a service every 3 months
  • To book your drone in for a service set up a service ticket using the form below
  • Your drone will undergo our multi-point inspection and testing
  • We will advise you as to any concerns or issues and provide an estimate for repair
  • Once the drone has been serviced and returned to you, you’ll also receive a certificate of service.

Protect your drone from accidents with TracerCare, our extended warranty service.